
AI-Powered Data-Visualization Playbook for Load Research and Grid Planning

Today’s grid is growing exponentially more complex. Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) such as solar and wind are shifting the predictability of energy generation while an increasing number of consumer electric vehicles (EVs) and large-scale EV fleets are introducing more variability and greater peaks on the demand side.

As a result, precision AI-powered data visualization tools are essential to predicting future load patterns, encouraging grid-stabilizing customer behaviors, and managing DERs.

To support energy providers in implementing next-gen data visualization strategies, we’ve developed this AI-Powered Data Visualization Playbook for Load Research and Grid Planning, including:

  • Strategy 1: Build a territory-wide, bottom-up data visualization foundation
  • Strategy 2: Plan to realize organization-wide visualization value
  • Strategy 3: Make better-informed decisions about Non-Wires Alternatives (NWAs) and infrastructure investments