In Q3 2019, Lumidyne Consulting conducted a series of interviews with 19 DSM, ratemaking and load research experts at 11 utilities in the United States and Canada. Their goal was to hear from the utilities that are leading the AMI transformation as to how they are leveraging disaggregation of AMI readings to provide large-scale business value in connection with both residential demand side management (DSM) programs and rate design and impact analysis.
These expert interviews serve as the basis for Lumidyne’s “2019 AMI Innovation Study: Utility Perspectives on AMI End Use Disaggregation” which summarizes how participating utilities are currently using or planning to use disaggregation from residential AMI-level data in an effort to provide a guide for utilities worldwide. With the global proliferation of advanced metering infrastructure, the scale of data availability and the associated business opportunity is massive and has implications for every utility.
Download the full report.