
Bidgely Engage+ Episode 6: Ft. SDG&E

Energizing the Data-Driven EV Customer Journey

In a new episode of Bidgely’s Engage+ series, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) Clean Transportation Customer Engagement Manager Natasha Contreras sits down with Bidgely’s Phil Flaherty to discuss how SDG&E is “Energizing the Data-Driven Customer Journey.”

Filmed at ETS23 in Austin, TX, this episode explores how SDG&E is paving the way for EV management and enhancing the EV customer journey for residents, visitors to San Diego, and local businesses, including:

  • EV Customer Journey - Understanding customers and making the EV journey intuitive and easy
  • EV Customer Journey Planning infrastructure to make EV charging more accessible
  • Fleet Electrification Helping commercial customers plan and making it more equitably accessible
  • Community Education Hosting events like ride and drive ror residentials and fleet days for commercial customers to engage with vendors.
  • Visitors with EVs Serving those who don’t live in SDG&E’s territory but may be charging up before heading home.

Featured Speaker:

  • Natasha Contreras, Clean Transportation Customer Engagement Manager, San Diego Gas & Electric

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