
Rocky Mountain Power HERs Program Roll Out

In an ongoing effort to offer customers the gold standard in customer experience, Rocky Mountain Power replaced their existing Home Energy Reports program for a digital, personalized (AI-enabled) customer experience.

This case study highlights how Rocky Mountain Power used Bidgely’s solution to overcome key challenges, including offering a personalized customer experience using non-smart meters, to drive key results:

  • 228+ GWh savings
  • Cost Savings of 25% relative to conventional HERs, averaging 4 cents/kWh
  • Digitalization of over 50% of the 330,000 customers who received itemized Home Energy Reports and web access to 1 million residential customers
  • Customer engagement, including 38% open rates and 80% customer 'likes' for digital customers
  • Scalability through non-smart meter disaggregation, allowing analog meter customers to receive the gold standard in customer experience and drive savings.