
Building a Gold Standard: Con Edison's Comprehensive Approach to Clean Energy

Fifty years ago, Con Edison began moving away from coal-fired generation and toward cleaner fuels. Today, they have become the second largest solar producer in North America, are installing one of the largest bulk storage sites in the state of New York, have unveiled the largest charging superhub in North America and are working every day to advance the deployment of geothermal heating and cooling, create transmission solutions for offshore wind and more. SVP of Customer Energy Solutions Lenny Singh, Director of EV Demonstration Projects Raghusimha Sudhakara, VP of Energy Efficiency Vicki Kuo and Chief Enterprise Architect Allisyn Glasser share an inside look at the future-ready programs that are making it possible for Con Edison to achieve their aggressive goals to triple energy efficiency by 2030 and supply 100% clean energy by 2040.