
Two Sides to Every Meter - Engaging Customers to Build a Flexible Grid for the Future

In this Utility Dive Webinar, join Bidgely Strategy & Growth Lead Pauline Marcou and Senior Manager of Strategy & Growth, Behavioral, Hannah Courtney as they discuss how to align value on both sides of the meter through customer engagement.

Today’s customers are pivotal players in the generation and smart use of electricity. It’s a transition that will only accelerate as electrification and decarbonization technologies are incentivized.

With these realities in mind, utilities need to do a much better job of engaging and partnering with customers. One avenue to do that is to embrace a more holistic and integrated approach to satisfying customer needs.

In this must-watch webinar, we will:

  • Discuss how utilities can use all the tools at their disposal to engage customers, reduce costs, and keep the grid reliable.
  • Share results achieved by utilities who are engaging consumers effectively to build more responsive grids.
  • Explore how utilities can best navigate the transition to a customer-centric grid.