October 8, 2020
E.On has unveiled a venture capital platform designed to invest in digital technologies and business models. Future Energy Ventures, as it has been dubbed, is to provide funding, mentoring and connections to accelerate the growth trajectory of digital, scalable and asset-light businesses transforming the energy ecosystem. It is targeting businesses seeking Series A and beyond ...
September 24, 2020
CIBC Innovation Banking is pleased to announce a US$8 million growth capital financing for cloud-based energy analytics software provider, Bidgely. Based in Mountain View, California, this funding will enable Bidgely to accelerate its growth plans across Asia, Europe and North America.
Bidgely uses artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to transform utility meter data into business intelligence for ...
September 11, 2020
Utilities with large numbers of customers who own electric vehicles often offer them special rate plans designed to get them to charge their EVs at times that best serve the utilities’ needs. Bidgely, A Silicon Valley software company, says it can go that one better and design individual rate plans for each customer with ...
September 9, 2020
Bidgely continues to advance electrification initiatives with global utilities and energy retailers through applied artificial intelligence (AI) and personalization techniques proven to drive customer engagement and operational efficiencies. Bidgely equips utilities with the ability to identify electric vehicles (EV) in the home, create personalized customer load shifting incentives and pinpoint customers with a higher propensity ...
August 27, 2020
Abhay Gupta, Co-founder and CEO of Bidgely, discusses evolving energy analytics for utilities with the power of data and artificial intelligence. Utility providers are the essential connection between society and the energy it needs to carry out modern life. Energy customers are categorized by the way in which they consume that energy, and subsequently, these ...